Thursday, 8 August 2013

First Ever Session @ LadyWood - Few Carp For My Efforts

Finally got some time to have a few days away fishing, I opted to fish ladywood lakes for a 48hour session..

Car packed and off we went to mirfield, arrived at around 8am Monday morning to fish the 10 acre lake!..



Had a quick look around the lake and nearly all the pegs were full, great.
We got to the far end of the lake and seemed to be a fair few fish showing, so I jumped in peg 14, was looking good for a bite or two the first few hours but nothing, then the wind changed direction and seemed to push the fish out of the corner I was in.
Got to about dinner time and I decided to get the marker rod out, reason I left it so long is I didn't wanna scare all the fish that were in the corner where I was.
Flicked it out all around my swim but couldn't find many features, just seemed to slope off from 9ft a rod length out down to 21ft.
After finding this out there was only really one thing for it, fish the margins!!
Chances of catching a carp in deep water in hot weather isn't likely.

Owner came round at tea time and I got some pellets off him (5kilo for £10, bonus!) and some specially made dumb bell boilies,
So brought the rods in and took off the bright fluro, they been doing the damage down there but not today! so dumb bell on and tipped it off with some pink korda corn, fished it over a solid bag down the margins with some nice slack lines.

Evening and night past without a bleep, but then around 5am my left hand rod screamed off, and I was into a fish.

First one in the net! And were off :D
Only a baby at 8.11lb but means I saved a blank


Put the rod back on the same spot, same bait over a soild bag of pellets,
So back to sleep for a bit.. Dreaming about catching fish when the rod screamed off again!!

This fish didn't feel heavy but it put up an awesome scrap.. 2nd one in the net!!

A nice 9lb 15oz common


By this point I couldn't be bothered going back to sleep so I just chilled out for a bit before making some zig rigs, didn't really wanna fish zigs cause I had no subfloats to make an adjustable one, so threw one out in the middle @ 12ft but it was in 21ft of water, not ideal :(
Just casted it out and put the rod down and the left hand rod screamed off again.

Felt like a better fish and it was, a nice 14lb 0oz, proper little fatty


The day pasted by without a touch, not even a touch on zigs.
Evening and night went by and not a bleep, had a run early morning but struck and there was nothing there.. Got to about 9am and packed up and left.

Although I only got 3 fish I done considerably well, there was 16-18 of us fishing the lake and at least 10 blanked and a couple only had 1 fish.
The lake had fished its tits off over the weekend and the owner said its never seen back to back action like it did this week.
Although I didn't have one of the better pegs on the lake, but certainly wasn't the worst ;)

I did wanna move pegs for the last 24 hours but couldn't as I wanted to go to the other side of the lake where the fish were due to wind direction but was only one peg and wouldn't of been room for my mate, wasn't I didn't wanna leave him, was the fact I owned all the cooking equipment and he would of got hungry >.<
So lesson learnt! Go on ya own...

I will deffo be returning, prob not this year as I've got one more 48 hour session at another venue to do then onto the green monsters the mighty pike ;)

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