Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Cracking Days Pike Fishing, Still No Tees double!! - For Me Anyway!

Decided to go fish the tees for pike yesterday but mick was heading off to dinsdale, mick being mick couldn't resist my boyish charm and decided to come with me down the tees for a days Piking...

I got there about 8:30 and cast out 2 rods and sat back in me chair, 20 mins later my rod screamed off, give us a good little scrap and in the net.. 7.11lb


Just I was taking my photo of the pike my other rod screamed off!! Arghh but cause i had set the timer on camera and wanted to get the pike back ASAP I left it, quickly put the pike back and grabbed the other rod but it took me into a snag and got off :(

Anyway mick arrived and I borrowed him a rod, a reel, some dead bait, and a trace? Least he brought his own bank sticks lol

Hour or so later and I had another run, this time it felt a bit bigger and after a good fight, she came into the net!


Ps: jim notice the camo!! Yes I've worked on it ;)

A short while later had another dropped run! Thought poor mick was gonna blank til his rod tip started bouncing gently, he left it a couple of secs wound down and struck!

Fish on!! After a very good scrap and it came to the top I seen it was a big fish and told me, he was buzzen! But it didn't wanna go in the net, eventually we managed to get it in, mick had a beaming smile..

Weighed it and she took the scales to 15.02lb! Jammy t**t!! Here's me still waiting for my first tees double and he pulls one out the hat

Them stripes on the back of the fish are amazing!!

We sat for a few hours and no more runs but the banter was bang on as usual...

Mick left about 4:20 and I stayed on, brought a rod in and casted it to the far bank, managed to miss the tree above me I caught I dunno how many times lol
20 mins later and had another run, stuck and felt like there was nothing there, so I reeled it in and as I got it to the edge I realised I had a small pike on, got it in, quick photo and weighed it and took the scales to 2.14lb

I packed up shortly after and headed home, rather pleased with my self ;)
3 pike in my first proper outting but then I had a blank and then 3 pike again today..

A summary of today
3 pike and 2 dropped runs for me
1 pike for mick and 2 dropped runs also

All in all not a bad day at all, on the bright side I did beat my tees pb, still not a double though!
My arch nemesis the double figure tees pike will come to my net one day ;)

Cheers for a good day as usual mick ;) legend mate

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